Does anybody know where I can get replacement lenses for the airguide speedos on my 89 SN? Guages work fine, kids shattered the plexi covers. Any and all help is appreciated!
I know that Discount Inboard Marine had a supply of them last year. I should have bought a couple myself, just in case. You might see if they have any left. http://www.skidim.comOnce you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward. For it is there you have been and there you will long to return. - Leonardo De Vinci
I notice that SKIDIM does not have the Airguides on their website anymore so I guess their sold out. I love Skidim, but $129 was way too much anyway. Go to Ebay, type in AIRGUIDE and you will a white faced Airguide speedo from a place called Great Lakes Skipper for $75.
I bought 2 last year when I redid the dash on my '85 2001. Great service from GLS and the white faces look sharp. Hope this helps