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Disco. No sticker in the world can make a Mastercraft turn into a Correct Craft. The Correct Craft Trailers have a prop guard, of course, but typically feature guides that angle out and then up, as opposed to strictly vertical. They also didn't have fiberglass wheel wells, but rather steel, with carpet bunks and carpet on the wells. They are basic c channel trailer, with surge brakes. Made by CC at the time and then the tooling was sold to Ramlin, if I remember correctly. The came with a side mounted spare tire, and hand crank lift, 2" ball and four pin electrical connection. Liscense plate bracket on the driver's side, running lights as well as directionals and brakes and a 6 lug wheel. They also featured stickers.
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Travis Fling
Choctaw Lake
Current - 1989 Ski Nautique 2001
So lets say that '87 I posted pics of is pretty clean: 540 hrs, vinyl is in good shape, floor and stringers are okay, decent gelcoat, engine runs good. Just out of curiosity what would you offer? $8700 seems a little high to me, and its on a MC trailer, lol.
That 87 is def. on a MC or an attempt at a MC trailer. Also, looking at the 89 that is teal, it is missing the exhaust flapper. It is possible that the motor may have had water in it. I am basing this on the overall condition of the boat. I have learned the hard way that the flapper is there for a reason.
Personally, if I found an 89 for the same price/condition as an 87-88, I would go with the 89 hands down. I drove my buddys 87 last week and was reminded how much slower out of the hole it is than the 89. No bad, but def. noticeable. I believe that the 89 tranny is built better as well. My .02