hydrogate adjustment?

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  • dizzyj
    • May 2005
    • 73

    hydrogate adjustment?

    when I have the hydrogate on my 236 engaged (forward, or slalom mode) the starboard wake gets extremely washy. we have to balance ~150lbs side to side depending on the position of the gate. I'm guessing this isnt correct. can the gate be adjusted? my guess is that its not pushing down into the water straight.
  • Mikeski
    1,000 Post Club Member
    • Jul 2003
    • 2908

    • San Francisco, CA

    • Current 2005 SV 211, due for upgrade! GS22 or GS24 perhaps? Previous

    RE: hydrogate adjustment?

    I am guess you are turning a 14"+ prop? This is one of the problems with the larger props I have found when I run them on my boat. The hydrogate is not really designed to control this issue. I use pop-products bags to deal with it on my 211.


    • Dallas
      • Mar 2009
      • 30

      • Tennessee

      RE: hydrogate adjustment?

      Does correct craft put out any guidance on the effects of different props on the Hydrogate?


      • dizzyj
        • May 2005
        • 73

        I have te standard prop, not even the team prop (although I have one to put on). just wanted to make sure this wasnt only me. I never wakeboard with the hydrogate pushed forward, but it would be nice for skaters, or my wife..etc

        and ya, I got a ton of pop bags. there great!


        • runningeagle
          • Mar 2009
          • 4

          The starboard wake is always prone to wash due to the prop rotation. If you have the gate forward you should notice it washy a bit on the port side as well. The gate basically creates more hook in the back of the boat and beats the rooster tail down creating softer flatter wakes. I'm not a slalom skier but I think they like that soft wash that they can just cut right through. So the fact that one side is a bit more washed out isn't a big deal. You'll never get a perfectly symetrical wake because the roptation of the prop will always effect one side. It is not beneficial for beginners or wakeskaters to ride with the gate forward as the wake will not be clean. If you want a more mellow wake I would try having the gate back but filling the front tank or adding weight to the nose. Add weight to the front and the wake flattens, weight in the back makes it steeper.

