Hey Guys! Just trying to finish up some winter projects before the boat hits the water and I have been trying to find out how to remove the rear side vents and covers on my 08' 210. I know a couple of people on here have painted them like I am going to do and a couple of you have chormed them. The picture below is one of the vents in question. Can anyone help me with the process it takes to get them off, how they are attached, and how I need to reattach them to the boat without tearing anything up. Any help I can get is appreciated! Thanks!
I replaced my vent on a 236, which looks to be the exact same style. Basically, it is 4-6 bolts that are held in place. I had to remove a small panel that was held by plastic push pins(automotive interior type). With the panel removed, I had access to all the bolts. With a socket all the bolts can be removed. Lots of exposed metal so be careful. My arm looked like a cat got me after I was done. Next, take a straight edge razor and carefully cut the bead of caulk and the whole unit will come off. Should take no longer than 30 minutes each side. Good luck!
Cool! Thank you guys so much. Actually I am going to paint them black...but I have a little something else in store for the boat. I will deffinitely post pics when I am done. Hopefully, it will all be done by the end of the week. One last question for you all. I know the black flat panel comes off to "expose" the vent and bolts, but does the entire black box the panel attaches to, come off? And last one, but what kind of caulk did you use to reattach the vent? Again thanks guys and I should have pics soon!
No, the box is glassed in. The tail bolt is on the outside of the box everything else is on the inside, hence you getting your share of fiberglass in your arm from removing them. We don't put any caulk on them when re-installing them. IMO it looks better without.
Can't wait to see it.
Mark @ N3
Well the vents came off last night. It was actually pretty simple once you get in there. I was a little intimidated going into it but you guys instructions really helped. I just dropped them off to my paint guy and he said that I should have them by Friday. We'll see what she looks like then...along with everything else I have done.
- May 2004
- 295
- Huntsville, AL
- 2008 Super Air Nautique 210 2003 Super Air Nautique Team 210 2001 Super Air Nautique Team 210 1999 Super Air Nautique 210 1994 Mastercraft Prostar 190 1992 Manta Ray 189 Sport
Can you provide more detail on how or what kind of paint you are going to use on these? I've been thinking about doing the same thing to my vents...
My bodyshop guy is going to use Dupont gloss black automotive paint on the vents. He said that he would then clear coat them 3 times to ensure the durability of the finish. He said that if they have some leftover, he would try to use an enamel clear to make it extremely hard. Basically he is going to use leftover stuff in the shop to "backdoor" this for me. He did say that the paint he was going to try to use was from a 06' Ford Mustang they just did and had a bunch of paint leftover. Basically the process will go as follows:
DA sand the vents first
Then use the same grit paper to get in the nooks and crannies
Wipe them down with cleaner
Wipe them down with tack cloth
Spray with paint adheshion promoter (sp?)
Hope this helps a little. These steps were taken straight from him. He has been painting in the same shop for over 30 years, so yeah he knows his stuff.