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Think about sound coming from the sides instead of the back. Even those in the boat the sound will be louder. I know a guy who has it on a Tige, he has a switch and can go back and fourth between the rear and side.
Are you expecting a vacuum to help suck the exhaust out?
No. I assume the engine actually needs some minimal back pressure. My thinking was that the outlet could be designed in such a way that when the boat was moving it would have proper backpressure within range - partial venturi effect. HOWEVER, a problem could crop up when idling with exhaust possibly coming up from the sides instead of in the back and enveloping the cabin area. On second thought, if this isn't a problem for sideswipe exhaust (and I don't know that it's not) it shouldn't be a problem for a bottom exhaust. Basically what I'm suggesting is instead of a Fresh Air Exhaust (http://www.freshairexhaust.com/) hung on the back, incorporate it into the engine compartment.
Side swipes are patented by Centurion or other boats would have that option. I love the sound it is dry stacked so the exhaust sits above the water so it's way louder.
I believe it is. My buddy has a baja with the same above/below water option. It's really nice when you're cruising in the middle of nowhere and want to hear that magic music from the pipes, but when you're headed in you can hit a switch and she quiets right up. I think the issue with the sideswypes is trying to get the exhaust away from the wakesurfer, though. To prevent carbon monoxide poisoning, not a sound issue. I'm on a pretty small lake, so I'm a fan of quieter exhaust to be nice to neighbors, but down on Cumberland or something it's awesome to open it up and hear it roar!
The best sounding boat on our lake is a Mustang though, that thing sounds sooooo mean...
Travis Fling
Choctaw Lake
Current - 1989 Ski Nautique 2001
Yes 226 is the only dual exhaust Correct Craft now.
Originally posted by TravisFling
The best sounding boat on our lake is a Mustang though, that thing sounds sooooo mean...
My wife's Mustang sounds incredible. I took the exhaust flaps off this Spring, and I think it sounds better in the cockpit than it did before. Nothing to hold the sound downwards any more.
the WakeSlayer
1999 Super Air - Python Powered <-- For Sale
1968 Correct Craft Mustang
I am not a big believer in the theory of prevention of water getting up into the engine. If there is a trailing wave the motor is running and going to keep it out of there. None of the old boats had them in the first place. I just prefer this one without. My big boat has them, and I don't plan on removing them.
the WakeSlayer
1999 Super Air - Python Powered <-- For Sale
1968 Correct Craft Mustang
There's a guy with an old wood cigar boat on Lake Minnetonka that I think must idle at about 2rpm. It has this awsome deep guteral bwump bwump bwump bwump bwump. When he leaves the dock he winds it up really slow. Amazing how an engine can be music.
The flappers are for when your boats not running so that water can't back up into your exhaust manifolds and into your cylinders. Say you dock your boat with the stern facing the lake traffic and boats are goinng by sending their wake your way all day.
On the topic of sideswipe...i dont understand why no one comes up with something like highrocks buddys tige. It wouldn't be very different than captains call on any other boat. Put the side swipe on the sides of the hull and also the traditional stern exhaust with turn down tips for a quieter tone at idle. Then you get the best of both worlds!
The flappers are for when your boats not running so that water can't back up into your exhaust manifolds and into your cylinders. Say you dock your boat with the stern facing the lake traffic and boats are goinng by sending their wake your way all day.
You really ought to dock your boat bow out, waves never come from shore.
the WakeSlayer
1999 Super Air - Python Powered <-- For Sale
1968 Correct Craft Mustang