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i am in the minority here---> last 4 boats had strap/ratchet type covers. this one has a tow piece snap on cockpit cover/bow tonneau cover.
---it appears to be under less stress when towing w/ the cover on than the strap versios
---absolutely more secure when towing that ones that just ratchet and do not affix to the trailer
---bow tonneau can be use separately to block wind on cold days
---way easier to put the cover on solo than a 1 piece cover
---potential to rip snaps out of cover (a little caution goes a long way)
---unsightly ***gasp*** snaps
---potential to step on exposed snaps (minimize if they are not on a horizontal surface
i will insist on a two piece snap on cover from now on....
I would never listen to a thing worm says
me neither...in general, he is just a trouble causer, hahaha!