Well its an 07. Finally got behind the newer 210 and the wake WAS PERFECT. Thats coming from someone who owns the older super air. We had about 2500 pounds of ballast and 7 people at wakeboard church tonight. It has the pop of the old 210 with a real nice ramp and great landing zone. Got me wanting to upgrade. LOVE THE Wake just thought I would share.
yes, pics please :-)
Just picked up an 07 and I'm slowly trying to figure out how I want to weight it. Right now I have about 500 lbs of lead in the boat, but trying to figure out where to put it and how much more to add to get what I want.
Bhog -do you know how the 2500 lbs was dispersed? ...was it all saks, lead, or sand?
thanks!07 210 Team
142 LF Shane FLY
Ronix Cell