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Looks like a great boat and should please A LOT of unsatisfied Malibu and MC owners, as well as Correct Craft fans looking for an OB tournament boat. Very well done!
I thought the 206 was rated "official" for tournaments.
Probably we need to get used to this look. I'm a wakeboarder, and I really need to get used to the 220, 210 and the 230.
I always found the 196 the most beautiful boat money could buy, but if this boat is really this good.. We all are gonna like and love it!
I really think CC hit a home run (again after the 210 and 230) with this boat!!
Looks like a great boat and should please A LOT of unsatisfied Malibu and MC owners, as well as Correct Craft fans looking for an OB tournament boat. Very well done!
I thought the 206 was rated "official" for tournaments.
The 206 is an official tournament boat but the 200 video states its open and closed bow versions are one hull, two decks and both boats ski identical and weigh the same. Since the 196/206 aren't, and don't, seems pretty clear with the 200 CC is putting the CB/OB issue to rest, except for personal preference.
perfski, when will more pictures start showing up? I am not sure about the graphics but I will reserve judgement until I see more pics or in person. Did you happen to see a closed bow version?
I would think you'll see them next week. Alot of key dealers saw the boats. They had two Black metal flake / Red / White hull boats and a blue / white combo for the skiers. The photo I got does not do the boat justice. I know Bill Yeargin wlll have a CEO blog coming up soon. Hang in there. I know our local dealer Nautiques of Orlando has gotten info / pricing on it. Theres even been rumour that they might have some boats for delivery after Nationals? Again, don't know for sure...but if you need more details / photos...I would contact a local dealer. I would be there is more info out for them that they have not released to the public. For all of you who look at the picture posted and say they aren't impressed....do yourself a favor and don't pass judgement till you've seen it in person...SAT BEHIND THE WHEEL...(the new configuration is amazing) and looked it over. Also the Nautique lettering will be visible. And with todays world of vinyl graphic packages....those who wanted to add retro lettering or something like it...I would be you can find a vinyl shop to do it. Check it out...I think you'll be pretty impressed when you see it...ski it...drive it.