SAN Rear Storage Areas - Flat Tanks

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  • JWAT
    Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
    • Feb 2004
    • 527

    • NE Indiana

    • 1997 Super Sport/Super Air Nautique 2008 Super Air Nautique 210

    This summer I was just using the hand aerator pumps that you throw over the side of the boat. We would fill and drain from the top holes and it never even got close to getting all the water out. This winter I am going to set up an automatic system with three simer pumps (one to each sac in the rear and one to the ski locker sac). I had a custom sac made for my ski locker and it fills it completely. I think if I hook the fill/empty line up to the bottom rear holes in the 440's, they should drain a lot better.

    So, you think I need a vent line to drain properly? I wouldn't think that would matter. I wasn't going to put vent lines in at first, but if it will help them drain, then I may re-think that. I just want to limit the number of holes I have to put in my boat.

    Thanks for all the info. I've asked you questions quite a few times about this and I appreciate the help.
    2008 Super Air Nautique 210TE


    • mike-d
      • Aug 2003
      • 236

      set up

      no problemo, I think you can tee off one of the bilge lines for the vent, have the line come in from the top, so the water will not go down to the bilge when full. Make the tee close to the hole. If you want , I can take some pics of my setup. Venting definately helps draining when using aerator pumps to drain, with the simers, the vents help to tell you when the bags are full, the shoot out of the sides of the boat.

      let me know if you need any other info, or a ballast panel etc.


      • JWAT
        Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
        • Feb 2004
        • 527

        • NE Indiana

        • 1997 Super Sport/Super Air Nautique 2008 Super Air Nautique 210

        How did you connect the hoses to your sacs? It doesn't look like you used the blue waterbed connectors.
        2008 Super Air Nautique 210TE


        • mike-d
          • Aug 2003
          • 236

          bag plumbing

          take the drain plug, pull it out of the sack so its sticking out all the way. Buy lowes or home depot 3/4 inch pvc threaded hose adaptors. Screw the threaded part into the drain plug, then take a stainless steel hose clamp and clamp it on. On the drain plug side, I leave it extended, on the vents I push the plugs back into the bag. Those blue water bed clamps always would work itself off the plug.
          I will take some pic's this weekend.
          do you know anyone that wants a 99 san? let me know.


          • jroyal
            • Aug 2003
            • 342

            • A, A

            • 2008 210 Black/White 2001 Super Air Black/White

            Mike, please take some pics of the setup of the vents. Mid-season, I installed a locker sack that is filled and drained with aerators. The locker sac only has 2 inlets. Is it possible to vent a 2 inlet sac?

            Also, I only have the factory tanks in the back and a 600 sac in the locker. Currently, I have the locker sac tied into the motor (via heater line.) Do you think the factory scupper (only one on my boat) can feed both the factory tanks in the rear (fed by the factory the 750 gph aerator pump (which I will be upgrading to 4- 750 gph pumps for faster filling/draining(2 for filling/2 for draining) and a 750 gph to the locker sac?

            Thanks for all the info.
            2008 Team Edition 210 - Black
            2001 Super Air Nautique *Sold*

