Have you seen these boards?

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  • AirNautique211
    • Mar 2025
    • 316

    • Central Indiana

    Have you seen these boards?

    2 - 3 weeks ago our boat was broken into and these two boards were taken - has anyone seen them?

    We are from centeral Indiana and the boards are likely in the area. Who ever took these boards knows inboards and probably Nautiques based on the evidence. The thief is definitely a boarder - - 3 new HO skis were left untouched. In fact, the only items taken were the boards and bindings - and the bindings were off of the CWB board. Whoever took these boards new exactly what they wanted. Lucky for us the stereo, neoprene vests, and ropes were left behind and nothing was damaged.

    I would appreciate any ideas or feedback on this issue - it really bothers me that people would do something like this. It bothers me even more to know it was likely someone we know or have boarded with - &%$@%^ Losers!!

    These boards were my kids and they have missed 2 full weeks of the season because of this. It is tough to find the correct boards this time of year.

    Thanks everyone![img][/img]
  • DRAGON88
    Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
    • Jul 2003
    • 529

    • Eugene, Oregon

    • 1999 Sport Naqutique 2005 Super Air Nautique Team Edition

    you are haveing a hard time tracking down the 03 model graphic premier and pure? or you cant find a Era (old premier) and a pure?

    Sorry to hear about that man, that sucks, what makes you think they knew about nautiques?

    Theifs suck!
    How about \"Chales\"?

    RIP Nikolai (\'05 SANTE) 5/23/05 - 4/30/06


    • AirNautique211
      • Mar 2025
      • 316

      • Central Indiana

      I would love to find an '03 Premier with the same graphics - the Pure I can find anywhere. If anyone knows where I can get a premier to match the missing one, that would be great.

      The boat was entered on the observers side. The cover opened just enough to get the observers seat up - where the boards were stored. There were CD's in the glovebox, ski's in the ski compartment and 6 very nice neoprene vests (2 jet pilots side entry, 2 Obrien and 2 Hyperlite) in the trunk, which locks. The trunk was not locked, but someone who knows about Nautiques would have thought they were and did not go there. Also, the boat was not damaged in anyway - more than likely out of respect for Nautiques in general. A non-Nautique lover would have likely been more careless and maybe destructive.

      More than anything, it was likely someone we know - someone who knows where the boards were and wanted only the boards. If it were someone jsut randomly steeling or vandalizing stuff, all of the hatches would have been gone through and more stuff missing. Someone not knowing Nautiques would never figured out which compartment to "hit".

      We pretty much know who took the boards, but do not want to accuse - the parents of the suspect are friends of ours. The kid is 22, he lives behind us, he gave our sons lessons earlir in the year, is the only boarder around, his parents have a SAN210, his muddy shoe prints go from his house to our boat (thru our recently escavated fenced in backyard) and onto the seat above the tire well and all over the tirewell, the kid did not own his own board 3 weeks ago and boards in comps around the area - but he now has a new wakeskate and surf board, he came over and told us he heard we were hit before it was known,...enough said!

      We just want the boards back, which is very unlikely - so we would like to purchase a Premier like the one that was stolen and leave it at that.


      • JWAT
        Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
        • Feb 2004
        • 527

        • NE Indiana

        • 1997 Super Sport/Super Air Nautique 2008 Super Air Nautique 210

        You may want to give RV a call at Grizzly Sports. He deals solely with Hyperlite and is located just blocks from the Hyperlite factory. You can go to his website www.grizzly-sports.com to get the phone #. He gives the best prices of anybody on Hyperlite and he sometimes has older Hyperlite boards. You must call him to get the best price though! Sorry to hear about your stuff getting stolen and I hope this helps.
        2008 Super Air Nautique 210TE


        • josh
          • Jul 2004
          • 43

          • asheboro,nc

          you are a much nicer person than me. If I had that much evidence I would not care who it pissed of even if it was family. With that much evidence I would let the cop handle it. Even if I didn't get the boards back he would know to cut me and my things a wide birth.


          • AirNautique211
            • Mar 2025
            • 316

            • Central Indiana


            I just called Grizzly and talked to Mike. They had one matching '03 Premier 135 left and the Split Bindings. They will arrive on Wed.

            Get this - the price was better than I paid on Ebay in May!

            Very cool - sorry for all of the wining.

            I've heard there is a lock available for the observers seat. Does anyone have any details on this?



            • josh
              • Jul 2004
              • 43

              • asheboro,nc

              It's called a big dog and a 45


              • AirNautique211
                • Mar 2025
                • 316

                • Central Indiana

                Are you saying your services are for rent?


                • josh
                  • Jul 2004
                  • 43

                  • asheboro,nc

                  It just really suck that some one would still your boards. especially if you know them.
                  If some one stole my board I would not be able to ride for the rest of the summer due
                  to the fact I couldn't come off the hip with that much cash. I have know use for a thief
                  know mater who it is.


                  • NautiqueJeff
                    A d m i n i s t r a t o r
                    • Mar 2002
                    • 16526
                    • Lake Norman

                    • Mooresville, NC

                    • 2025 SAN G23 PNE 1985 Sea Nautique 1980 Twin-Engine Fish Nautique

                    Factory option on older Nautiques. Probably would work on newer boats too.

                    Check with your dealer.

                    I own and operate Silver Cove Marine, which is an inboard boat restoration, service, and sales facility located in Mooresville, North Carolina. We specializes in Nautiques and Correct Crafts, and also provide general service for Nautiques fifteen years old and older.

                    If we can be of service to you, please contact us anytime!

                    Current Boats —> 2025 Super Air Nautique G23 -- 2001 Ski Nautique -- 2000 Nautique Super Sport PYTHON -- 2000 Nautique Super Sport -- 1999 Ski Nautique PYTHON-- 1985 Sea Nautique 2700 (Twin-Engine, 1 of 13) -- 1981 Fish Nautique (Twin-Engine, 1 of 4) -- 1980 Fish Nautique (Twin-Engine, 1 of 4)
                    Former Boats —> 2024 Super Air Nautique G23 PARAGON -- 2023 Super Air Nautique G23 --
                    2022 Super Air Nautique G23 PARAGON -- 2021 Super Air Nautique G23 -- 2021 Super Air Nautique G23 -- 2020 Super Air Nautique G23 -- 2019 Super Air Nautique G23 -- 2018 Super Air Nautique G23-- 2018 SAN 210 TE -- 2017 Super Air Nautique G23 -- 2016 Super Air Nautique G23 -- 2015 Super Air Nautique G23 -- 2014 Super Air Nautique G23 -- 2014 Super Air Nautique 230 Team Edition2013 Super Air Nautique G232012 Super Air Nautique 210 Team Edition2011 Super Air Nautique 210 Team Edition2010 Super Air Nautique 210 Team Edition2008 Super Air Nautique 230 Team Edition2007 Air Nautique 236 Team Edition -- 2007 Air Nautique SV-211 -- 2005 SV-211 -- 2003 Super Air Nautique 210 Team Edition -- 2003 Air Nautique 226 -- 2003 Sport Nautique 216 -- 2003 Ski Nautique 196 -- 2003 Ski Nautique 196-- 2002 Ski Nautique-- 2001 Sport Nautique -- 2001 Ski Nautique -- 2000 Sport Nautique --1999 Ski Nautique Open Bow -- 1999 Air Tique 176 -- 1998 Ski Nautique -- 1998 Ski Nautique -- 1998 Ski Nautique -- 1997 Ski Nautique -- 1997 Ski Nautique -- 1996 Ski Nautique Open Bow -- 1994 Ski Nautique -- 1993 Barefoot Nautique -- 1983 Fish Nautique (TWIN ENGINE, 1 of 4) -- 1981 Fish Nautique (SINGLE ENGINE)

                    Need something for your boat? Please check out our site sponsors! Not only do they offer the best products available, they also support this site.
                    Silver Cove Marine - NautiqueParts.com - Phoenix Trailers - SkiSafe - PCM Marine Engines - C&S Marine - OJ Propellers


                    • JWAT
                      Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
                      • Feb 2004
                      • 527

                      • NE Indiana

                      • 1997 Super Sport/Super Air Nautique 2008 Super Air Nautique 210


                      Glad Grizzly Sports could help ya out. They are usually the best place to go for Hyperlite stuff. By the way, if I had that much evidence against someone stealing my stuff, I think I would probably be saying something also. If those people are really your friends, then I think they would understand why you are accusing their son with all the evidence you have and would be willing to work something out with you.
                      2008 Super Air Nautique 210TE


                      • Housers99
                        • Jul 2004
                        • 35

                        • Columbus, Ohio

                        I can't believe a skier/boarder would steal from another skier/boarder. It's usually such a tight group. When we skied in college we left our gear, beer, CD's and all that stuff scattered everywhere and always had everything when we went home. I'd report the little punk to the cops. Even if you know his parents, they obviously neglected to teach him something that he might learn from some time in jail.


                        • BigBald
                          Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
                          • Jan 2004
                          • 529

                          • Indianapolis (Carmel), IN

                          Makes me a bit worried about where a kid (and yes....acting that way at 19 constitutes being called a kid) like that might end up.....hope that there is nothing else at your house that he might deicide he likes. Probably a wake up call might be a good thing for him. Especially if you were able to do so without involving the cops. Let his parents be enough punishment. Might be a good show of faith to go face to face and not involve authorities.

                          Of course it is a bunch easier setting here typing this opinion, than actually being in your shoes. But being here in Central Indiana also, I get worried about hearing this type of stuff...because if someone stole my stuff, I would be left barefooting for the rest of the summer.....if they left my B-suits...
                          88 Ski Nautique
                          99 Sport Nautique
                          Currently - 07 Nautique 216 Team


                          • AbunDiga909
                            1,000 Post Club Member
                            • Sep 2003
                            • 2470

                            • St. Louis, MO

                            Wow I'm sorry to hear that... I find it very ironic that the person would care to not scratch the boat or anything but steal wakeboarders. And I was just starting to think by meeting so many people on all these sites that all waterskiers/wakeboarders got along well, esp. if you know one another.

                            Well, you are definately taking this situation better than I could have hoped I would have if it had happened to me. Good luck with this situation and hope all works out well! And like mentioned above, I'd talk to the parent's if I were you. Probably easier said than done, but I'd rather be imbarrassed and feel uncomfortable if it meant getting my boards back or not!

                            Just hope my dad doesn't see this! He'll never let us keep the SkySki laying around again! :shock:
                            [color=blue][size=2][b]I Nautique, therefore I am.[/b][/size][/color]


                            • AirNautique211
                              • Mar 2025
                              • 316

                              • Central Indiana

                              To add to the story, my family and I were spending the weekend down on Monroe and realized 2 vests were also missing during the heist. - 1 Jetpilot side entry and 1 Obrien. Needless to say - I am growing more pissed off all of the time.

                              I will be talking to the parents, I am honestly just bit uncomfortable with confrontation aspect. We live in a very nice area and we are very active in the community - I would hate to negatively impact our social status over a $12-1500 loss. I wish I only had pictures - I was raised not to accuse people without 100% proof. As strong as the evidence is, it's not 100%.

                              I did pick up another board from Grizzly - a Byerly w/ matching binding. Our youngest son thinks it rocks.

                              Don't worry - we unload the boat after every trip - all is locked in the house. Isn't that a shame and a pain!!

