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cheapest place to get exhaust manifolds PCM 351w motor?
RE: cheapest place to get exhaust manifolds PCM 351w motor?
I have never used them but I found this place when looking. http://www.ebasicpower.com/pc/OSC280...5.8L%20V8.html WWW.SKIDIM.COM is a great place and I think you get a discount if you are a member of planet nautique or correct craft fan. I know the promotion code is CCFAN for correct craft fan but I don't know the planet nautique off hand.
RE: cheapest place to get exhaust manifolds PCM 351w motor?
I would go through White Lake or N3. Both will give you a 10% discount for being a member of PlanetNautique.
I own and operate Silver Cove Marine, which is an inboard boat restoration, service, and sales facility located in Mooresville, North Carolina. We specializes in Nautiques and Correct Crafts, and also provide general service for Nautiques fifteen years old and older.
If we can be of service to you, please contact us anytime!
RE: cheapest place to get exhaust manifolds PCM 351w motor?
I just baught this same Manifold. Overtons had one listed on Amazon last month for $129.99. It said on the Amazon page that they were out of Stock. So I called Overtons and told them their Amazon.com Store Front had it listed for $129.99 and asked if they would honor their Amazon Pricing. The young gal went and talked to a manager for a minute, came back and honored that price. That's the cheapest I found and I looked for 2 weeks.
I would try calling Discount Inboard Marine. I have always found them to have very good prices on everything. www.skidim.com 803-345-0996
ski dim took care of me right quick with my new PCM manifolds. Almost got the Osca ones from e power but they only take Internet orders. I have to talk it out. Thanks ski dim!