It's always a sad day when you see your baby being towed off by someone else! It was time to get a zero of equipped 196, so on a whim I put mine on Craigslist on Sunday. A great couple from Dallas come down and picked it up yesterday. In no way did I expect it to sell that fast. I almost backed out because I didn't have another boat lined up right away. But then thought about it some more and called them back. Hopefully, Scott and Erin will get as much enjoyment out of her as I did. My ski partners are bummed. Next to the ZO 09 promo that's temporarily at our lake, my 05 was the favoriate of everyone to ski behind. Even the malibu owner liked the pull better than his. I need to decide this week if I'm buying the 09 promo that's sitting there. It sure is nice and clean, although the classic graphics and not the new graphic. But Mark-S has a gorgeous black/blue new graphic 08 promo that I REALLY like too.
There's a beautiful 196 2009 promo boat available in MT. It's a Limited with all the options incl shower, bimini, cover, dual axle trailer and low hours. Colors are red and black with the new graphics.
Drop me an email at if you're interested\'95 SN Signature Ed.
PP Stargaze
**For Sale**
Get MS's boat - in excellent shape and the new 200 is $10-15k more - a great boat indeed, but not worth the increase over a 2008.
Have him drag it down w/ him to my 6 rounds in Sept - come up and ski - take the boat home. What could be more convenient?
Anybody skied behind the new 200? Drive one?
Always looked forward to a new nautique, on my fourth 196, but I am not sure about whether the compromises made to bring the closed and open bows into one model are for me.2018 200 Team H6
2009 196 Team ZR 409
2005 196 Limited ZR 375
2003 196 Limited Excalibur
1999 196 Masters Edition
1995 ProStar 190 LT1 (Bayliner)
1987 ProStar 190
RE: 200
Friend of mine skied behind the 200 OB this week. 34mph, 28 to 38. He said the 22 off hump has moved to 28 off and that from 32 on you don't even feel the wake. He did report that there was still some spray at 38 that he was feeling in the breeze they had there.Shane Hill
2014 Team 200OB
67 '13 Prophecy
RE: 200
Shane - you need to come up to our 6 rounds in Sept and pick up the boat - PB guaranteed!!