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I should time mine, but I don't think I fill in 6 minutes. I think I drain faster.
Slayer - I stand corrected on my fill time. The 6 minutes refers to the drain time, not the fill time. I didn't time the fill, but I'd estimate it was in the 8-10 minute range, maybe longer. When I started draining the sac, I happened to look at my watch. Approximately 6 minutes later I could see the thru-hull flow had stopped to just a sputter and my initial reaction was, "that was too fast, there must be an issue with the drain pump or the vent". Opened up the locker lid and the sac was completely empty. I checked my watch again and it had been around 6 minutes. I will try and remember to take some pics of the install and wake, and to see how long it takes to fill.