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I would have Jeff change my name, but Hollywood would get mad at the length.
This is the lift boat. I'm going to have more vents added to the cover this winter. Right now I only have 4 vents total. The main reason is the amps can get moisture on them over night. I'm in the process of putting additional vents in the boat, but I still need to get the cover to breath more. I still think I will need more. Overtons has this air mover, which I can get the same one at Dicks Sportsing goods.
Damprid is some bad *** stuff! put a can of it right next to your amps. I do. it's only $2 a can at wally world.
'08 SAN 210 Team Black w/Patriot red top stripe-Tow Biminis over the tower-4 under water transom lights-hot/cold shower-crest carpet-full throttle steering wheel-extra 6 channel JL amp-Pro 80's-WS420-fiberglass sub enclosure-led'd vents-Chromax Letters-and Tinted windshield for now......
Tow Vehicle--05 GMC 2500 Crew Cab Short Bed 6.6L Duramax/Allison with a few mods
Thanks for the Damprid tip. Stuff works great. I have a big tub under the observers seat and a couple of hangers in the rear compartments. Boat smell a little chick for me when I open it up, but I can live with it.
I changed my cover on my lift during season to this and haven't had any moisture issues. Just throw this on when we leave after the weekend and come back and it's been in good shape moisture and protection wise.
I have no affiliation but have liked the product alot.
I've never heard of the Damprid product but will definately look for it on my next visit to Walmart. (I'm sure that will be sooner than I'd like) I've used calcium chloride, in an old butter bowl, with great results. You can get calcium chloride from any pool chemical supplier. It is probably what the damprid is made of. I also have friends that use this product in their RVs but I don't have any experience with it. [http://www.dryrv.com/]
What department is the Damprid located at in Walmart? I went there the other day and couldn't find any. Thanks.
It's on one of the last isles in the food section.....I think there are cleaners on that isle like pledge..........it's blue and white
'08 SAN 210 Team Black w/Patriot red top stripe-Tow Biminis over the tower-4 under water transom lights-hot/cold shower-crest carpet-full throttle steering wheel-extra 6 channel JL amp-Pro 80's-WS420-fiberglass sub enclosure-led'd vents-Chromax Letters-and Tinted windshield for now......
Tow Vehicle--05 GMC 2500 Crew Cab Short Bed 6.6L Duramax/Allison with a few mods
In our Wal-Mart Damp Rid is with the ironing boards and Irons in the Housewares section. If they put it in the food section, the rednecks around here would try to use it to barbeque. It works well. If you are military you can also get it at the exchange or the commissary.