I'm was interested in trading in my 04' RLXI BU for a closed bow 200. Much to my dismay, I can order the boat pretty much any color I want; however the top deck only comes in white only. I don't understand CC and their Henry Ford mentality (you can get a model T in any color...as long as it's black).
Most of the other boat manufacturers let their customers to choose the colors of their boat, without limitations! Even Moomba offers that to the customer. The last year of the 196, cc offered a colored deck, now it's "you can get it white, or you can get it white".
Most of the other boat manufacturers let their customers to choose the colors of their boat, without limitations! Even Moomba offers that to the customer. The last year of the 196, cc offered a colored deck, now it's "you can get it white, or you can get it white".