Looking into buying a 2001-2003 SAN. Found a local add, but the details were slim, mostly about the add-ons and such. Questions are:
Do all 2001 SAN's have the 3 way hatches on the sundeck (motor + 2 storage), and do they all come standard with the rear and center ballasts ~900 lbs ???
These questions seem a little dumb, but these details will make or break the decision on buying a SAN. Gotta have the ballast and the storage hatches for gear accessible from the swimstep. Thanks in advance.
Do all 2001 SAN's have the 3 way hatches on the sundeck (motor + 2 storage), and do they all come standard with the rear and center ballasts ~900 lbs ???
These questions seem a little dumb, but these details will make or break the decision on buying a SAN. Gotta have the ballast and the storage hatches for gear accessible from the swimstep. Thanks in advance.