Does anyone know who makes the teak platforms for CC? Are they made in-house?
Thanks Wakespecialty. I have read that other manufacturers have their teak platforms made by different companies. I figured CC did not make them themselves and am trying to find out who makes them.
I am in the process of building a transom saver and figured that if I knew the company that makes the CC platforms, I could order the transom saver with the precise cut directly from them. No luck I guess. I'll make a template and have to do some wood work. It will be one more project......
I have been working on an aftermarket, over-sized platform with risers, a transom protector and sprayed with a bed liner material. First one done on an 03 T.E. With that being said, I have the templates for several hull designs. We are using a CNC router to cut the parts and are using xl panel for the wood - you know the lifetime warranty stuff everyone kicks tige's *** for. As we are just getting started, we would be happy to help you out!