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The one I'm taking my SANTE220 to is called Custom Covers (www.sewlong.com). They make a great cover called a Folding Canopy Tower that is top notch and works great. It's very high quality, really easy to fold up and down and can be made in a variety of colors. However, I think they want your boat there.
The other place is called Sugarhouse Awning & Canvase (http://www.sugarhouseawning.com). They do a nice cover also just not as high of quality and not as easy to fold up and down.
Thanks all, I have contacted sewlong previously, because I like their ideas, but I am getting no response. Must be a good year for them! Do you know if David is still working for them?
Towerbiminis is a good brand, had them before, but I am looking for custom work and John doesn't have the bandwidth to do custom work.
Not sure if David is still with Custom Covers (aka Sewlong.com). I have been working Justin mostly.
Just try calling them, I always get an answer. Phone number is 801.262.4017.
It has been difficult getting them to respond to emails or even email me pictures. They are pretty busy right now and only getting busier as we draw closer to Memorial Day.