I just put a deposit down on a black 230 and I think it would look sweet with a tinted windshield. Has anyone had a bad experience with tint???
Years back, I drove a boat with a tinted windshield and found it was a little difficult to see through at dusk - no shocker I guess. It was similar to wearing sunglasses at that time of day. I think it looks really cool, but personally wouldn't do it after experiencing it first hand. The darkness of the tint would obviously come into play as well.
I would check with your state law as well. It would be unfortunate to put the time and money into it, only to have your friendly local law agency make you peel it off!'08 196LE (previous)
'07 196LE (previous)
2 - '06 196SE's (previous)
My ride had ridiculously dark tint when I bought it. I took it off and I'm running stock. Personally, not a fan of making the windshield difficult to see out of. However, with that said, I've driven Gasman87's 220 with 35% tint and it is pretty sweet. Looks great and didn't obscure any vision. Hit him up for some advice...2003 SANTE