200 or 196

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  • Q-bert
    • May 2010
    • 1

    200 or 196

    Ok! I'm looking to purchase a 200 or 196...2009

    Ride behind couple of boat(Malibu.nautiques 196,master)
    But never behind the 200.

    Any things i should no about this two boat? (good/bad)

    Any major diff. in handling. Driver opinion

    Any major diff. skier opinion

  • swc5150
    1,000 Post Club Member
    • May 2008
    • 2240

    • Eau Claire, WI

    • MasterCraft Prostar

    Major difference: about $25k ;-)

    Buying a PN member's promo boat will save you a nice amount of money. If you really want an open bow, the 200 is the way to go. Clemsondave has a sweeeeet 200OBTE promo for sale - as I'm sure others do as well, I'm just familiar with his ride.
    '08 196LE (previous)
    '07 196LE (previous)
    2 - '06 196SE's (previous)


    • causewayskiier
      • Mar 2006
      • 101

      200 vs 196

      How much are the new SN200 Open bows going for?


      • j2nh
        Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
        • Dec 2003
        • 628

        • Spread Eagle Wisconsin

        Depends on what you want it for.

        If you only slalom and trick then the 200, if you do a little footing on the side then the 196. 200 is a large boat with a world class wake, 196 is a small boat with a world class wake. 200 slower out of the hole and lower top end, 196 quicker and faster which may or may not matter to you.

        Good luck with what ever you decide and post some pics when you make the purchase
        2018 200 Team H6
        2009 196 Team ZR 409
        2005 196 Limited ZR 375
        2003 196 Limited Excalibur
        1999 196 Masters Edition
        1995 ProStar 190 LT1 (Bayliner)
        1987 ProStar 190


        • j2nh
          Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
          • Dec 2003
          • 628

          • Spread Eagle Wisconsin

          Originally posted by causewayskiier View Post
          How much are the new SN200 Open bows going for?
          I doubt you would find one on a dealers lot. Maybe a demo. There were some suppler issues and at this point you would probably either have to go with a promo team members boat or order a 2011. 60G if you max out the options.
          2018 200 Team H6
          2009 196 Team ZR 409
          2005 196 Limited ZR 375
          2003 196 Limited Excalibur
          1999 196 Masters Edition
          1995 ProStar 190 LT1 (Bayliner)
          1987 ProStar 190


          • SkiTower
            1,000 Post Club Member
            • Nov 2007
            • 2172

            • Clayton, NC

            Originally posted by j2nh View Post
            I doubt you would find one on a dealers lot. Maybe a demo. There were some suppler issues and at this point you would probably either have to go with a promo team members boat or order a 2011. 60G if you max out the options.
            Unless they've sold recently, Whitelake has two, one with a tower and one with the LINC system.


            The price is steep, but I've driven the black one and it rides great. Haven't skied one yet (not that I'm good enough for it to matter). If the price isn't an issue, I highly suggest you test one before making this decision. The 196 and 200 are two very different boats.
            2007 SV211 SE
            Tow Vehicle 2019 Tundra
            Dealer: www.Whitelake.com


            • ScarletArrow
              • Jul 2005
              • 330

              • Ohio

              both the 200 and an '09 196 are going to be in short supply.

              if you see yourself using the boat in situations other than a tournament ski setting (e.g. family, public water, etc.) then an OB 200 is the way to go.

              extra seating and more storage...and you still have the best slalom wake out there...who wouldn't want that?

              i think the 200 tracks a better than the 196.

              of course...i'm biased b/c i have one for sale. :-)

              all that said, the 196 is an all-time classic and you can't go wrong there...it really depends on what kind of skiing you are going to do.


              • ClemsonDave
                Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
                • Oct 2004
                • 659

                • Glen Allen, VA

                • Ski Nautique 200

                Originally posted by swc5150 View Post
                Major difference: about $25k ;-)

                Buying a PN member's promo boat will save you a nice amount of money. If you really want an open bow, the 200 is the way to go. Clemsondave has a sweeeeet 200OBTE promo for sale - as I'm sure others do as well, I'm just familiar with his ride.

                There really is no comparison. If you have never skied/driven/sat in a 200, the 196 will be just fine. However, if you try a 200, you will want one. It is better in just about every aspect and I'm not just saying that b/c I'm a promo. Even the Malibu and MC promo guys swear on my 200.

                I pulled some kids today from 24mph to 34mph and the wake is about 1/4 that of the 196 at the slower speeds. Shorter than 32off and the differences are not as pronounced.

                Storage space... well... exists on the 200... It is very nice to have 3 people in the boat and not tripping on skis and gear.

                Where are you located? Find the closest promo rep and see if they will give you a pull. Or, if you want to come to Va, I'd be glad to put you up and go skiing. I'm sure scarletarrow will do the same.

                If anyone is interested in mine, PM or email me for the price/specs.

                clemsontigerdave AT yahoo.com
                Promo Team member
                1999 196
                2003 196 Limited 2003 196 Limited
                2008 196 Limited 2008 196 Limited
                2010 200 Team 2010 200 Team
                2011 200 Team 2011 200 Team
                2012 200 Team - 2012 200 Team
                2013 200 Team - 2013 200 Team
                2014 200 Team - 2014 200 Team
                2015 200 Team - on the way


                • j2nh
                  Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
                  • Dec 2003
                  • 628

                  • Spread Eagle Wisconsin

                  Originally posted by ClemsonDave View Post
                  If you have never skied/driven/sat in a 200, the 196 will be just fine. However, if you try a 200, you will want one. It is better in just about every aspect and I'm not just saying that b/c I'm a promo. Even the Malibu and MC promo guys swear on my 200.
                  Dave, I skied behind, rode in, and drove a 200 and I do not want one. Neither did any of the 3 individuals that I was with when we demo'd it.
                  It is a matter of opinion, if you want a world class slalom wake and need the room to store gear then the 200 is a great choice. If you want a world class slalom wake and do not need room to store gear then go find a 196. Much better trick wake behind the 200. 200 is better in rough open water.
                  the Speedometer is useless and located in a terrible position. It requires you to look down and to the right, no problem if you use ZO but for recreational skiing it would drive me crazy.

                  Difficult to put a boom on, windshield comes back too far.

                  Large motorbox has undercuts in the bottom 1/3, perfect for catching a rope.

                  Biggest complaint, the 200 is slow and in my opinion works too hard to maintain slalom speeds (4000 rpm) and would not be a good boat for recreational barefooting.


                  My advice would be to try them both and see which one fits your needs better.
                  2018 200 Team H6
                  2009 196 Team ZR 409
                  2005 196 Limited ZR 375
                  2003 196 Limited Excalibur
                  1999 196 Masters Edition
                  1995 ProStar 190 LT1 (Bayliner)
                  1987 ProStar 190


                  • firefighter
                    • Oct 2009
                    • 63

                    • Winter Garden, fla

                    • 2013 ski 200 O/B Team 2012 ski 200 O/Bteam sold 2011 ski 200 O/B team sold 2010 ski 200 O/B team sold 2009 ski 196 2008 ski 196 2007 ski 196 2006 ski 196 2005 ski 196 2004 ski 196 2003 ski 196 2002 ski 196 2001 ski 196 2000 ski 196 1990- 1999 ski 196

                    200 vs 196

                    The 200 is a much better boat then the 196 in many ways. The storage is better the 196 does not have much of any. The wakes are smaller, softer and almost nonexistent when at the shorter line lengths. For the kids the 200 is the boat of choice for all the tournaments down here in Florida. The power is not an issue. the boat holds the speed with out a problem and the boat is the best tracking boat I have been in. In my opinion on the 200 is well worth the extra money. If you but one you will have an up to date hull for 7 yrs or more. I have skies behind the 200 with the Zo6 (6 ltr) and the 5.7 and I like the 5.7 better. And after talking with other skiers that has been pretty much the opinion of many others. Everybody is liking the 5.7 better.

                    One other important thing to consider is that these hulls are not designed to go 60 plus the hull will go only 48 to maybe 52 with any motor you put into it and that includes the 196. the boat turns more RPM's because there is more hull in the water and it is wider and a bit heaver about 500 lbs.
                    teat drive them both and make your own opinion. I have been on the promo team for many years and I have had a lot of 196's. The 200 is far the best driving and ski friendly boat I have had in a long time and it is for sale if anybody is interested. please contact me @ dave2ball@cfl.rr.com


                    • firefighter
                      • Oct 2009
                      • 63

                      • Winter Garden, fla

                      • 2013 ski 200 O/B Team 2012 ski 200 O/Bteam sold 2011 ski 200 O/B team sold 2010 ski 200 O/B team sold 2009 ski 196 2008 ski 196 2007 ski 196 2006 ski 196 2005 ski 196 2004 ski 196 2003 ski 196 2002 ski 196 2001 ski 196 2000 ski 196 1990- 1999 ski 196

                      200 vs. 196

                      My bad the ZR6 is what I meant by the Zo6. Typo.


                      • 2gofaster
                        Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
                        • May 2008
                        • 671

                        • Stevenson Lake-Conroe, Texas

                        Drove a 200 with the 5.7 in our tournament this weekend. Holy crap! I couldn't put up with that every day. I was **** near deaf after pulling a round! 34mph was 4100rpm and 36 was 4450rpm. The engine just screams as it's going down the lake. No thanks. The tracking, on the other hand, is the best of any boat I've ever driven.
                        Shane Hill
                        2014 Team 200OB
                        67 '13 Prophecy

