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How many hours have you put on your boat this year?
So far I have logged about 30 hours and my season began the second weekend in March. I anticipate putting on around 90 this season, which goes through Thanksgiving weekend.
BKinSoCal - Brian
'08 SANTE 230 - Current
'05 SANTE - Sold '10
'04 216 TE - Sold in '05
This year - 0 hours. Flipside hit it already. Our river swelled from 30,000 cfs to 90,000 cfs and we had rafts of debris floating down. Maybe in a few more weeks... ****.
I guess there is always a resovoir with the butt-*** cold water...
Current Boat --> 01' Air Nautique (April 12' to current!)
Previous Boat - 93\' Ski Nautique Closed Bow ( Sept' 09 to March 12')
We're always in that, "I wish I put more hours on my boat" group. Having really small kids, there were a few years where I didn't get out anywhere near as often as I would have liked. Now that they're a tad older (3 and 4), we are ramping up...but when we get out, we literally ride for 10 minutes to the beach where they like to play, hang out for a few hours, then ride back to the dock. Kind of a shame, considering we've got a great wake machine. The only time I get to put some real hours on the boat is on those "adults only" days where we actually blow the dust off the wakeboards. Thankfully, I've got one of those days lined up for this weekend!
I think my '02 SAN has about 350 hours on it total. Not nearly as much as I'd like, hopefully that will change soon as the kids get more into the water sports.