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A 422 on my 6 liter pushed the 49mph range at 5100RPM went faster than the 654 with less RPM.
I am working with OJ on some configurations that looks promising.
A 422 on my 6 liter pushed the 49mph range at 5100RPM went faster than the 654 with less RPM.
I am working with OJ on some configurations that looks promising.
So with the Acme 422 on your 200/6.0 you are basically getting the same top end as my 09 196 with the 6.0? I've only checked a couple of times but I can run 50-51 mph gate up one or two people. Might have to try it tonight and check the RPM's. Really not interested in speed, but footing is important to several people I ski with and the 200/5.7 comes up just a little short. Holding 41-42 mph with two adult footers is the acid test for me.
Top speed with the 1868 was 41. With the 422, starting from half the distance I got it up to 43 the other day. I can do a full power run down the lake this week sometime. Easily 2mph better and I was running out of lake so I had to shut it down.
This is good news. I assume this is the 343 with the gate up? I like to do some barefooting and, while the 200 is just fast enough, another one or two mph would make a big difference. I may pick up a 422.
So with the Acme 422 on your 200/6.0 you are basically getting the same top end as my 09 196 with the 6.0? I've only checked a couple of times but I can run 50-51 mph gate up one or two people. Might have to try it tonight and check the RPM's. Really not interested in speed, but footing is important to several people I ski with and the 200/5.7 comes up just a little short. Holding 41-42 mph with two adult footers is the acid test for me.
Actually it goes 48.7 gate up two people in the boat, My 07 with a 6 liter and a 668 would run 54, my 08 would run 53 and my 09 would run 53 so The Ski 200 6 liter with the 422 runs about 4.5-5 mph slower than the 196 equipped with a six liter.
I dont see any reason why the boat would not hold 45 mph with the standard 654 and two footers but then again it truly would be the acid test.
Took the new boat out yesterday afternoon 2011 closed bow 200 6 liter 6.4 hours on motor, 654 prop, air 90* wife and myself plus spare 100# weight. boat toped out at 47.1 mph 5480RPM. I need to get another 20hours on it and change the oil over to Royle purple, however I am going to go ahead and put the 422 on before the next outting..
I'll be putting a 422 on my 200. Talked to several skiers including Parrish (he runs a 422 on his boat) and they love it. They're trying to get Nautique to approve the 422 for 2011. I hope it works out. In any case, I'll be running a 422 on my boat - if the Towboat Nazis want to come to my tournaments and check props, they're more than welcome!
I have always thought that the prop configuration in todays boats should not be a issue as for qualifiying a boat for tournaments. I believe that in todays world a promo owner or tournament organizer wants what is going to fit the needs of the tournament the boat is pulling. you never see slalom rounds pulled with a Nightmare MasterCraft nor do you see elite jump rounds pulled with a 5.7 anything. So why dictate what prop we have to run in all circumstances?? Hey if someone has a real short set up for slalom and needs to get up to speed then put the prop on that will get the job done. If the run in is long why not put the prop on that everyone feels comfortable with??? and save a little fuel!! Now thats thinking GREEN!
I have always thought that the prop configuration in todays boats should not be a issue as for qualifiying a boat for tournaments. I believe that in todays world a promo owner or tournament organizer wants what is going to fit the needs of the tournament the boat is pulling. you never see slalom rounds pulled with a Nightmare MasterCraft nor do you see elite jump rounds pulled with a 5.7 anything. So why dictate what prop we have to run in all circumstances?? Hey if someone has a real short set up for slalom and needs to get up to speed then put the prop on that will get the job done. If the run in is long why not put the prop on that everyone feels comfortable with??? and save a little fuel!! Now thats thinking GREEN!
One of the biggest mistakes, in my opinion, organized water skiing made was in the holy grail of the "world record". To me it creates unnecessary hoops to jump through, boat props for one, to try an equalize performances. I'm all for trying to keep things equal but it just seems that great waterskiing and great competitions get minimized because a record didn't fall. Pick a day, strap on your gear, and the best man/woman, wins.
If a prop is so critical then how come the sport allows for ZO setting changes?
I simply don't understand why they don't prop this boat, from the factory, with the one that gets the best performance? It sounds like Jody has some of the major complaints of this boat figured out - slow, high rpms, etc. Perhaps they should sell consumers a version with that setup, and offer a "tournament" package that has the (from what it sounds like) inferior prop? I'm just a regular buyer, whose boat will never see a tournament, so I'd like to have what works best, not what's approved.
Just like tires on your new car, you always have the option to change to a more agressive tred design over what the manufacturer suplies with their product. Props are no different Many a Air Nautique goes out and the first thing the new owner does is load it MONDO full with sacks and persons and coolers and... and.... and then it will not get up the way they want it to get up and go so then they change the prop to do the job they want the boat to do. Ski boats are no different if you want a boat to fit your needs then by all meens re-prop it and have the boat you want. Just do not expect the boat that is being used in the tournament to be set up lke yours as their are boat Nazies out their that want the boat as tested. I know next week we will be running a 654 in the SRB tournament but tonight I am running a 422.
The 422 from my 2008 is on Steve Tyler's SN200OB right now and is being tested at Bennett's this week with jumpers. It'll be interesting to hear their thoughts on on that prop for that application.
I pulled a bunch of skiers the other day with our 200 with the 422. The MOST rpm I saw was 4050 with a 36mph skier getting into 39 off.
Also, if you're going to allow different boats to be used in a multi round tournament, why does the prop even matter? Our USA Waterski leadership has really lost touch with reality over the last 10 years.
I'm not sure there is such a thing as the 'best' prop. It depends on the event and the skier. I know they tested a few different props early on and they found the current one was the one most agreed on. I would have to assume they were basing that on slalom, trick and jump; not fuel economy and top speed. If there is another one that does all of those things better, I'm all for it!