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Don't have pics of it but I have seen it before. I think it looks good. Just clean the trailer with acetone (don't rub hard but just take off the top layer of dirt) and then put it on. I thnk you will like it.
I have a black RamLin trailer that has gold pinstripes. The pinstripes are on the top and bottom of the trailer beam. The bottom pin strip goes underneath the side marker light.
They do not stand out as much as white. I think the white would look sharp!
SocBum ------- 2002 SAN <== Current Boat 1987 American Skier Advance <==First Boat
I like it better with out the pin stripes. But that is just my opinion. I ordered my trailer with out the stripes and it was delivered with the stripes. O' well not really that big of a deal.
Clean trailer and I see you too have a Honda Pressure washer (from Costco no doubt). I don't know how I ever survived without one! For anyone who hasn't discovered the advantages of a pressure washer your missing out.....
Original owner had it done when they did his custom CF numbers painted. Boat came from Larsons in Stockton, CA, I believe it was done by their regular guy. That was almost 10 years ago and pinstripers are sometimes hard to keep track of. The guys I knew when we were hotboating floated in and out of Jail or Rehab.
The blues didn't match that well and I had to be careful so it did not rub it off, a couple coats of wax always helps.
Any local pinstriper doing good work on street rods should be able to knock out work at this level for a couple hundred bucks.