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Where could I find a replacement shifter ball on my throttle. Just bought a used 98 SNOB and would like to get a new wood knob for the throttle. Anyone know where I could find one?
I have looked all around for throttle knobs. There's tone's of them out there, Depends on what your looking for.
IMO you dont want to deviate from the standard ball size and shape. The size of the ball has to do with the ease of getting your boat in and out of gear. Most aftermarket shifters are some what taller then the stock ball.
1. E-bay has lots of shift knobs.
2. www.billetballs.com makes cuctome shift knobs
3. Momo has cool knobs
4. I found lots of resources on Yahoo. for shift knobs
there are so many style's its hard to know what your looking for or where to tell you to look.
The shifter Ball I just bought (B&M) came with a large universal hole and then you could chose what thread size you wanted to use. My boats has a 3/8 by 24 thread