Still haven't had a "perfect" weekend on this boat since I bought it, but this time wasn't the boats fault! Which has me ecstatic! Yet another trip to the local Nautique dealer because of a submerged tree in 20ft deep water...
Actually I was lucky enough that my shop had the exact same one! Turns out a guy turned it in about a year and a half ago for a repair and never picked it up. So got it for $160, and they are fixing mine for $160!
Oh and its off of a 96 Super Sport running about 2500# of ballast..
- Jan 2010
- 79
- Minnesota, USA
- Current: 2008 Ski Nautique 206 Previous: 1984 Ski Nuatique 2001 Long time ago: Glastron/Carlson DV16, 115 Johnson
I would suggest to check the drive shaft. They are not very difficult to check but you do need a dial indicator. If you choose not to check the drive shaft pay close attention to any vibration that wasn't there prior to the accident. If there is a vibration then you have two possible culprits; a poorly rebuilt prop or a bent drive shaft. Good Luck, and I hope no-one was hurt.