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Tyler, I don't think your post is offensive. I don't know what country this picture was taken in but regardless of where it is, some people are very ingenious when it comes to getting things done. So these people wanted to have a place to relax, cool down and have a good time. I give them credit for coming up with this idea. Most importantly, they seem to be having a good time.
I was wondering what the black was also. It is on almost every inch of the boat where it is white? Would they need that many areas for fingerprints? Also, the boat looks like it is someone's back yard. Is this where they found it? You would think it would be at some kind of insurance holding yard or police yard if they were investigating it. Why would the owner want a full loss sitting in the yard. Just seems kinda strange. Oh well - I've seen stranger.
Tyler, I thought it was funny, that's the problem with people these days, they are too eaisly offended.
Hang on there, I remember a conversation between you and Wakeslave that got out of hand because you got a little hot under the collar. Has the new year brought on a softer/fatter Fatboy?
Yea but that wasen't because I was offended. It was just about the two of us disagreeing on facts. Thier is a difference in being offended cause of something someone said and disagreeing about something.
And I have been in the gym so I sould be harder/thinner, not softer/fatter. And by the way, that comment didn't offend me. LOL
When I saw the pics it reminded me of a storm damaged boat - I saw several boats from South Texas that went over river dams that looked much the same....