Anyone have an opinion relating to these two hulls. Most CC people and owners believe that the TSCII is better, slightly. However, there are a few vocal folks that assert that the TSCI hull is the best ski and trick hull ever built. I just read a comment by Schnitz that the TSCII hull suffers from turbulence at shorter line lengths which causes a hole or dip. There are also complaints about the trick table.
I personally don't ski at short line lengths so I can't attest to Schnitz' and others' comments. However at longer line lengths I think the TSCII hull on both the 196 and 206 is better than the wakes behind my old 99 SNOB. What do you other hard core skiers think?
I personally don't ski at short line lengths so I can't attest to Schnitz' and others' comments. However at longer line lengths I think the TSCII hull on both the 196 and 206 is better than the wakes behind my old 99 SNOB. What do you other hard core skiers think?