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Scott, I am in on that for sure, first round is on me!! BTW, Josh has the spot right next to us this year, Yikes!!
Timmy should be there this year if he doesn't sissy out like 2010, now we just have to figure out how to get some of these other guys to show up, Dave, Mattie, Daniel, 2Go, ETAL!!
Lauderdale Lakes brought their 200 last year for all of us to ski behind and drive, so I would imagine we should see another one this year!!
Amie and I are staying with Josh this year. He sold his boat the other day, so we'll be using mine. We'll have the vapor twins this year!
Timmy should be there this year if he doesn't sissy out like 2010, now we just have to figure out how to get some of these other guys to show up, Dave, Mattie, Daniel, 2Go, ETAL!!
Dave, I would absolutely love to ski the 200... and Im sure I will eventually. Maybe Ill be blown away! I sort of doubt it as I dont ski at slow speeds, but I totally understand that argument.
Could something possibly be better? I guess, but gees. Remember, though, if you make a boat too light and/or too narrow, you will effect driving in a negative way. A boat has to have some mass to keep it in a straight line. As I've said, there is a new boat out there that proves this point.
I agree that mass is part of the equation that aides tracking- but its not everything. I would have a little bit higher expectations from CC to build a lighter weight boat that still tracks good. I doubt that the improvement in the 200's tracking as compared to the NWZ hull could solely be attributed to the 500 extra lbs its carrying around.
Speed. So, top speed on a 196 is 44-46. Top speed on the 200 is 41-42 with the stock prop and 44 with a different prop. Unfortunate that it effects you, but how many people out there need that extra 1-2-3mph? Is that their target market for this model boat?
As far as speed goes, the 330 Excal TSC2 196's in our group are good for ~46mph. The TSC3 with the 343 Excal should be good for a little bit more (47-48mph?) with the gate up. The 6.0L was commonly good for 52-53mph in the TSC3, and about 49mph in the TSC2. If the Excal powered 200 is good for 42 out of the box and can be eeked up to 44mph with a prop change, thats pretty marginal... My buddy's '86 2001 is good for 45mph unloaded, but put a footer behind it and youre about 41-42mph. Thats not comfortable 1-foot speed for me... and Im not that big (6', 195lbs). A few of the bigger guys I ski with prefer 43-44mph before even throwing any 1's. We foot as least as much as we ski, so thats sort of a big deal to us. Again, I know we may be in the minority.
I wonder what people would've written when the 2001 became the NWZ, or the NWZ the TSC?
Ive actually heard stories how there was a lot of discontent about the 2001 hull when it was introduced in '82. It skied better in every way compared to its predecessor, but was significantly larger and slower. Sound familiar?
Both of my previous TSC3 196s with the EX343 ran 45.2mph with the gate up. My TSC2 196 with the EX330 ran 44.2. With the same prop, my 200 EX343 runs 44 flat. That's not that far off, if you ask me.
Glad you'll be in GL Tim! I only got a campsight last year because you cancelled. Nice spot, btw! We'll be camped next to Quinner's Bar and Swill this year:-)