Hi everyone. Former MC owner here, just joined Planet Nautique. After much research, I've decided that I would like a 2008 SANTE 210 for my next boat. I've looked on onlyinboards.com, boattrader.com, and boats.com, but have not yet found what I am looking for. Is anyone looking to sell their 2008 210 (I'm in NC, but willing to drive a long distance for the right boat)? Ideally, I would like one with the the FCT 2 "Titan" tower so that I could fit it in my 7'1" garage, but I know many have the FCT 1 tower...so the FCT 1 is not a deal breaker. Thank you and great community you have here...looking forward to the possibility of owning a Nautique at some point.
Charlotte, NC
Charlotte, NC