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Generally you want to be on the safe side and get one that is more than your boat weighs. Lifts 'should' be built with a safety factor in them.
Fact is, after you consider fuel and other incidentals, it adds excess weight. I would be more comfortable with a 4K - 5K lift. Just my .02
My Basta 3,000 lift is the same as a 4,000 lift, they just put a different sticker on the side of the lift. Check with Shorestation to see what the difference is between the two.
I would shy away from overloading your lift. If you overload it, it fails, and your boat is damaged or ruined your insurance may deny the claim. I know it's not quite apples to apples comparison but would you tow your boat down the road on a trailer not rated to handle its weight. Your vdrive with no gas or gear already weighs more than that lift can handle. Add 20 gallons of gas, gear, amp, sub, and anything else and you are going to be pushing the limit and it could fail. Some degree of margin is built it but who knows how much.