2001 super air no wrap around seating

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  • apwrx
    • May 2011
    • 5

    • Oregon

    2001 super air no wrap around seating

    Sorry for the newb question but iam looking at a 210 super air v drive.It has the bench in the back and observers seat but no wraparound.Every other i have looked at has it but this one has the layout of a direct drive.Common or very odd?
  • Chexi
    1,000 Post Club Member
    • Mar 2025
    • 2119

    • Austin

    • 2000 SAN

    Pretty rare I think. I think it was a special order. The people who ordered these love the extra floor space for things like coolers, equipment, etc. If you don't run with a large crew, this layout is worth considering. You will lose some under-seat hidden storage space though.
    2000 SAN

    1999 Air Nautique
    1996 Tige Pre-2000
    1989 Lowe 24' Pontoon / Johnson 100HP outboard


    • apwrx
      • May 2011
      • 5

      • Oregon

      would this be a large negative effect on value?Iam lookin garound 23 for it.150hrs.no heater.


      • Chexi
        1,000 Post Club Member
        • Mar 2025
        • 2119

        • Austin

        • 2000 SAN

        Not sure how large, but it does shrink the pool of interested buyers. Personally, I'd be more worried about the hours being true. That is pretty low. Are they digital gauges or analog replacement?
        2000 SAN

        1999 Air Nautique
        1996 Tige Pre-2000
        1989 Lowe 24' Pontoon / Johnson 100HP outboard


        • GoBig
          Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
          • Apr 2008
          • 551

          • Santa Cruz, CA

          It was a special order option. You can modify it pretty easily to make the full wraparound. There are a couple of posts on this site somewhere where people have added the full "U" shape on '02-'06 models (behind the drivers seat) for coolers, subs, or just extra seating. I think Jeff did this awhile back to one of his SANs. Would be pretty easy to do the same thing on the port side I imagine. If this is the only thing that you are concerned about, I wouldn't let it stop you from purchasing. Agree with the above post though about hours...I'm pretty sure this had the gauges replaced (or are not currently working).
          2003 SANTE


          • apwrx
            • May 2011
            • 5

            • Oregon

            It has the digital gauges they still work ,is there a way to check hours off the motor ecu?
            Iam a Malibu guy so this would be my first Nautique.


            • Chexi
              1,000 Post Club Member
              • Mar 2025
              • 2119

              • Austin

              • 2000 SAN

              There is no way to check hours off a GT-40. If the digital gauges are still working (which is rare, but not impossible), then the hours should be true (unless the owner ran with the gauges disconnected for a while).
              2000 SAN

              1999 Air Nautique
              1996 Tige Pre-2000
              1989 Lowe 24' Pontoon / Johnson 100HP outboard


              • Flipside
                • Feb 2009
                • 137

                • Portland, OR

                If it has Perfect Pass, there should be an hour meter on it as well. You can reset the Perfect Pass hour meter, but if it shows 300 hours on it to your 150, then you know something is fishy!


                • GoBig
                  Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
                  • Apr 2008
                  • 551

                  • Santa Cruz, CA

                  Originally posted by apwrx View Post
                  It has the digital gauges they still work ,is there a way to check hours off the motor ecu?
                  Iam a Malibu guy so this would be my first Nautique.
                  I would bet that they have been replaced with new digital gauges as opposed to the Faria analog substitution that most people do.
                  2003 SANTE


                  • apwrx
                    • May 2011
                    • 5

                    • Oregon

                    Yikes you guys are freakin me out about the gauges. If theyve been replaced with new digital does this mean theyre going to fail again.If they havent been replaced it sounds like i need to change them.to what and how much?
                    It does have perfect pass so i'll ask for a picture of the hours on both. sounding like i may just need to pass on this one.It looks so clean and is the same colors as my last Bu. Its so hard finding a good boat and used prices are retarded at the moment.I sold my 01 wakesetter fully loaded v drive perfect shape for 22,500 2 yrs ago and now i cant find one that cheap, its very frustrating.

