I've been around boats, on boats and behind boats for most of my life, but finally took the plunge and bought one. I never guessed I'd be able to get into a CC / SANTE in my price range. I came across a bunch of purdy Wakesetters in my search, but none felt quite right in the gut, if you know what I mean. My wife and I finally stumbled upon this 2008 SANTE 220 in primo condition. 186 hours, immaculate interior, the boat actually looks like I would have my boat look - the white vinyl is actually bright white, so scrapes, cuts or wear! (I'm a little anal with boat maintenance). It has the ZR-6 motor, covers, extra carpet, upgraded stereo, 3 added FatSac with parallel/series controller, Zero Off, etc, etc.
I hardly ever make a major purchase without a thourough review of the relevant forums, and this was no different. I really appreciate the (mostly ) grown-up, adult reviews and information provided here. The technical reviews, references to relevant sites, and details of ownership pushed me into the Correct Craft over the Malibu in about 0.2 seconds. Even the Malibu forums, for the most part, offer high praise of the CC boats.
So, onto my question - what can I expect in terms of trouble spots and maintenance? I haven't seen anything in my searches, but no boat is without trouble. I already have a spare prop and puller, general tools, I'm getting a spare impeller. Any recommended tools I just can't live without? Other spare parts you keep on the boat? Nothing worse than being stranded hours from shore.
I hardly ever make a major purchase without a thourough review of the relevant forums, and this was no different. I really appreciate the (mostly ) grown-up, adult reviews and information provided here. The technical reviews, references to relevant sites, and details of ownership pushed me into the Correct Craft over the Malibu in about 0.2 seconds. Even the Malibu forums, for the most part, offer high praise of the CC boats.
So, onto my question - what can I expect in terms of trouble spots and maintenance? I haven't seen anything in my searches, but no boat is without trouble. I already have a spare prop and puller, general tools, I'm getting a spare impeller. Any recommended tools I just can't live without? Other spare parts you keep on the boat? Nothing worse than being stranded hours from shore.