Nice job CC! Keep up the good work! But there's still much to be done, lets start with your gear site! Yellow_Flash_Colorz:
RE: Correct Craft Wins "The Triple Crown"
Any of you guys/gals getting a kick out of this same thread on Wakeworld? According to a few comments we are egomanics/pompas/etc. If your interested to see what the jealous people are saying see the link below. I'm with Gramps "Flame on"!
RE: Correct Craft Wins "The Triple Crown"
I'm reading it right now. I'm almost scared to post my opinion!
I thought someone said that the people at WW are mature adults! I jsut think its the MC owners, not whether someone is a parent or a kid![color=blue][size=2][b]I Nautique, therefore I am.[/b][/size][/color]