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Thanks for all the kind words! We're very happy to be back.
I am still working on a couple of lingering issues, neither of which is really a big deal.
Post counts for some members started over at zero when we moved to the new server. I think I can fix this, but it is going to involve editing about 600 entries in the database manually, so it will take me some time.
Pictures being uploaded to posts are showing a filesize of zero KB. This is caused by a conflict between our photo attachment software and the version of PHP on our new server. It doesn't cause any other problems besides the zero KB filesize message, but I'm working on the fix anyway.
I own and operate Silver Cove Marine, which is an inboard boat restoration, service, and sales facility located in Mooresville, North Carolina. We specializes in Nautiques and Correct Crafts, and also provide general service for Nautiques fifteen years old and older.
If we can be of service to you, please contact us anytime!
Wow, if I had 600 manual entries to do I'd screw it and go to the lake, lol. I just don't have the patience for that. That take some serious skill, nice job Jeff!
Meanwhile, I think I'm addicted, maybe I need to ask Jeff to ban my I.P. address... lol...
[color=blue][size=2][b]I Nautique, therefore I am.[/b][/size][/color]
I know how much work it takes to keep a website running. Mine is probably the most basic, and it never reflects the hours worth of work that go into it. Thanks!