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I've had both the 2007 and 2009 210. Probably the 2007 210 if the boat checks out ok. The 2009 does have a better layout though. Also, the full warranty is a nice comfort. Which tower is on the 2009?
Don't know if this will help your decision or not, but last week I did maintenance on two 196's. One a 2003 with 816 hours on it, and a 2006 with 835 hours on it (both are summer camp boats and see a ton of use). If either were up for sale, I wouldn't hesitate to buy either. The 2003 had a couple of issues with it, but nothing I'd consider a deal breaker. Mostly cosmetic stuff due to idiots running them all summer. The 2006 was show room perfect. As long as the boat looks good, drives good, and the owner can verify that the required maintenance has been done, go for the 07.
If you're surfing 60%, then the 220 is the boat, really nice surf wake, and fun for boarding, just a steep wake. I agree with TDC, the 220 interior is roomy and very practical. They had a lot of innovative ideas in that one...I think you can do better on price with the 220's out there...
2008 230 TE-ZR6
1999 Pro Air Python-sold and moved away :-(