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I have a 2006 SAN 226. Can't seem to get a decent wake on the Port side for wake-boarding or wake-surf . I have tried filling up the stock ballast on the Port side but not much difference.
Please advise...
the rule of thumb is that whichever side has wash needs more weight. the best thing to do is fill all the ballast up and get on plane at whatever speed you'll be riding at. this way you can empty whichever tank you need to to even out the wake. keeping a 45lb dumb bell or similar weight can help alot. how fast are you going and how many people are in the boat when boarding?
2007 SANTE 220. Wakesurfing. I bought fat sacks for my boat and that made all the differnce
I fill the internal portside and belly. Put a 4 fat sacks in boat - (1) back locker Port - (2) under seats port side (3) back center (4) Ski locker.
the rule of thumb is that whichever side has wash needs more weight. the best thing to do is fill all the ballast up and get on plane at whatever speed you'll be riding at. this way you can empty whichever tank you need to to even out the wake. keeping a 45lb dumb bell or similar weight can help alot. how fast are you going and how many people are in the boat when boarding?
You're going way too slow for wakeboarding. Start around 20-21 mph and increase speed until the wake cleans up. You shouldn't have a problem getting both sides to clean up with proper weighting.
Wakeboarding, you're going too slow, just speed up until you get a clean wake, it will depend on where the weight is distributed on the boat; rule of thumb is, heavier boat=more speed to clean it up.
Wakesurf; 12mph is probably a little fast, I've heard that the old 226 is difficult to get a good wakesurf wake setup, play with ballast on the side you're surfing, make sure you're in at least 12 feet of water, and play with the speed, or use the rpm setting on PP to get a consistent wake.
2008 230 TE-ZR6
1999 Pro Air Python-sold and moved away :-(