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We have a time share in Palm Desert, CA and I am looking to find a place to ski a couple sets each morning. With or without coaching, just want to enjoy the weather. Any ideas?
2003 Ski Nautique 196 LE - Current Boat (Star Gazer w/ ZBox)
GOODE Flextail 66.5 - Powershell 5 Bindings (LFF)
PB: 2 Balls @ 39.5' OFF (34.2 MPH Zero Off) Big Dawg Broho Tournament Summer 2015
1987 Dixie Super Skier 299 - My First Boat
1987 Barefoot Nautique - Brother's Boat
1985 Ski Supreme - Dad's Boat
Desert Wake is in Coachella Valley, which isn't too far from Palm Desert. They have both a cable and a boat lake. I think it would be a good option for you. Here is the link to their website...http://desertwakeinfo.com/
Please let me know how it is. It's a couple of hours from my house, but based on the videos I've seen of it, it looks like a good option.
BKinSoCal - Brian
'08 SANTE 230 - Current
'05 SANTE - Sold '10
'04 216 TE - Sold in '05