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Over on WW there is talk of a CC Super Air 220. Seems that CC is the worst for keeping their boats secret. The 211 was known well before they announced.
Let me say this, with a wink of an eye, the dealers on the west coast hope there is a boat that sits between the 211 and 226. The 211 has been a great seller so far, but there are alot of people asking for something just a little bigger.
A certain Pro Rider (initials SB) told us at 2004 Boat show in KC that he'd been out testing a "new" boat that he described as a "really big 210" He said all they had was plywood for flooring and he rode behind it and was pretty impressed. Think about it--- a bigger, wider 210 would give you the same peaky, explosive pop with a wider table, building a platform for riders to go harder and bigger off the wake. 226 accomplishes this with a TON of weight, but still has a different shape. oh boy....can't wait. :twisted: