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Haha .. I got the OME heavy duty suspension. Pulled my 2005 226 over the mountains like a champ! Hardly any sagging in the rear. Im sure the extra 1500 lbs will be fine!
I'm sorry I was thinking of my boats engine. I do have the 5.3l with 3.73 gearing tow package. I just got home from towing my 210 on a tandem trailer with half a tank in the boat and I barely notice it. I would want some awesome trailer discs too.
Yes, but also depends on the prop blade angles ....
page 56 of the 2010 PCM manual under Engine Specifications advises that the maximum cruise RPM for a 5.0L is 3800 rpm, and the 5.7L and above is 4000 rpm. nowhere does it reference "blade angles," or pitch, which by definition is the displacement a propeller makes in a complete spin of 360° degrees. blade angle, which varies along the blade length, along with cup, diameter and blade shape all contribute to pitch.
page 56 of the 2010 PCM manual under Engine Specifications advises that the maximum cruise RPM for a 5.0L is 3800 rpm, and the 5.7L and above is 4000 rpm. nowhere does it reference "blade angles," or pitch, which by definition is the displacement a propeller makes in a complete spin of 360° degrees. blade angle, which varies along the blade length, along with cup, diameter and blade shape all contribute to pitch.
Okay but the cruising speed of a boat depends on pitch and rotational speed of the prop. A boat with a speed prop will go faster than one with a power prop which is built more for pulling torque...
Just curious if the cruising speed of the G23 with the XS550 will be similar to the 230?