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Whats the Deal with the boat? Does Cathren bell still own it or did she sell it to the guy in the directory/link. Deffinatly a cool lookling boat with the tan dash board ect, Or is it 2 boats that look the same
I guess the boat was a 2002 promo, used in some photo shoots and Bell had it for a while. I saw a pic of it on the cover of a wakeboard mag. The boat then went to California Correct Craft and was sold to the guy who sold it to me and my friend in January. It's all the same boat, he sent me the pic when we were looking to buy it. It has a tan dash and pods, but the vinyl is white. We got it with 110 hrs on it. I think CC did another Promo boat at the same time, the all black with a white stripe, the one that's seen in the brochure, it has the grey color scheme interior.
Like most CC boats, it's hard to do it justice with digital pictures. We got it all waxed and cleaned and it looked incredible, picking up reflections off the ground and the sky, it's awesome. All it needs is a couple amps and some tower speakers, so I pay attention to your posts on stereo installs!! Still figuring out where to put the 5 blue tops that you recommend!