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Anybody using a boom on their Sport 200V? I have a straight Barefoot International boom that fits between the tower and windshield - just not so sure about attaching it to the removable pole? Anybody have a good solution?
Anybody using a boom on their Sport 200V? I have a straight Barefoot International boom that fits between the tower and windshield - just not so sure about attaching it to the removable pole? Anybody have a good solution?
Surfsmith...did you ever use your straight boom on your pylon? If so, how did the boom fit? Seems the pylon is just even with the back edge of the windshield. Also, how did your pylon handle it?
I did - sort of, just for kids and small women using shoe skis. No one actually barefooted off the boom. Still a little skeptical... There was a post a little while back where I think an owner rigidly secured the pylon. I'll see if I can find it.
The fit between the windshield and tower is fine. I used an extension, a second one might be even better to get farther away from the spray. I also used a second rope going back to the stern cleat to dampening any significant forward recoil of the boom.
Hello I am new to the site. I found this clip on you tube and looks like a tower boom works great. Anyone know if there is an extension on it? If you have one has it moved the tower or done anything to the boat long term?
Thank you.
Hello I am new to the site. I found this clip on you tube and looks like a tower boom works great. Anyone know if there is an extension on it? If you have one has it moved the tower or done anything to the boat long term?
Thank you.
Best I can tell, there is no extension in the boom. The better extension goes between the two pieces and is about 18 to 24" long (i can't remember - probably 24") When you add that extension, just remember the guy cables have to be adjusted. So its not something you just pop in and out. Once I installed my extension, I've never gone w/o it.