I have an 89 BFN w/ the 454 that I have owned since it was new. I've been running the stock 14 x14 Federal props that came with the boat. Are the new Acme props really so much better? I've heard they are like bolting on horsepower. Is it really a noticeable difference? Thanks for your insights.
That is a great boat imo. If you are using a stock 3 blade, going to an appropriate 4 blade should give you a lil more out of the hole, not that that 454 doesn't already do that
It should also make acceleration a bit smoother. You should call Acme and see what they recommend...
Good luck!
I disagree on the 4-blade. The 3-blades are better for all around use in a direct drive.
You'll get better feedback here: http://correctcraftfan.com/forum/for....asp?TID=260101990 Ski Nautique
Andy when I bolted my 422 ACME to my 90 SN with the 351 it felt like I'd added 100 hp. Another huge benefit you will get from the ACME is the smoothness. I "thought" my boat was smooth but was I ever mistaken. It was like magic the first time I nailed the throttle on that boat with the 422, unbelievable.New ride 2005 SN 196
Sold 2010-09-05 - 1990 SN - 610 hrs