Over the the weekend the dash board on my 2006, 226 stopped working. (tach, speed, fuel gauge, and power supply) The Perfect Pass, ballast tanks and all accessories associated with the key-pad functioned properly.
I tried to fix the problem. First, I accessed the wiring harnesses behind the dash, disconnecting and reconnecting, hoping to "reset" a breaker. To my knowledge their are no fuses on the boat, so I had hoped that doing a hard reset would suffice. Nothing. Second, on the firewall (kick plate underneath driver seat) I reset each of the breakers. Nothing. Third, I removed the firewall / kick plate to access the wiring for the dash. I found a mother-board (secured above the steering column assembly) and found what looked to be a reset button on the wiring harness marked "display". I reset, but that did nothing. Lastly I followed all the wiring the best I could towards the back of the boat assuming it must be a power supply issue, but to no avail.
Any advice or diagnosis would be greatly appreciated!
I tried to fix the problem. First, I accessed the wiring harnesses behind the dash, disconnecting and reconnecting, hoping to "reset" a breaker. To my knowledge their are no fuses on the boat, so I had hoped that doing a hard reset would suffice. Nothing. Second, on the firewall (kick plate underneath driver seat) I reset each of the breakers. Nothing. Third, I removed the firewall / kick plate to access the wiring for the dash. I found a mother-board (secured above the steering column assembly) and found what looked to be a reset button on the wiring harness marked "display". I reset, but that did nothing. Lastly I followed all the wiring the best I could towards the back of the boat assuming it must be a power supply issue, but to no avail.
Any advice or diagnosis would be greatly appreciated!