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I usually run 3 x 250 litre (500lb) sacs in my 98 SN. 1 each side of motor box, and 1 down the back (no rear seat).
on top of that we usually have around 4 crew in the boat. Wake is nice and rampy.
I want to try more weight up in the bow to try and fatten up the wake, but I am worried about water swamping the bow and over the screen etc. This seems to be a problem now with no weight up there. and you have to be really careful.
How does everyone else go.? Is it a problem or not.?
Bar bell weights work well also because they are flat. Be careful though, heaven forbid you stuff the bow into a huge wake just right (or wrong) and the boat fills with water, anything but water for ballast would be bad news. CC's are designed with enough flotation to hold the boat on the surface when filled with water but not sand etc. Sometimes the back corner gets very close to the waterline and, well accidents do happen.