Originally posted by MikeC
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whats my point? i suspect Malibu employs nautical engineers that have a greater understanding of fluid dynamics and how it applies to wakeboats than anyone on this board.
i also suspect that in their testing, they achieved their primary goal of getting the boat to roll on axis, with the secondary interference of the the non-deployed tabs being negligible. anecdotaly, when i am behind my 230 or any other boat, i can see the water coming off the bottom of the boat and around the sides below the platform. it converges probably a full 5 feet or more behind the platform where the wake begins to form. everything in front of that convergence is dead space having no water above the hull bottom line. i bet if the Malibu engineers would have seen significant interference, they would have designed them to fold in enough to mitigate said interference.
finally, yaw is an inherent characteristic of a boat with a single prop. it is mitigated by either a) adding a second prop with an opposite rotation or b) installing an adjustable tab on the steering mechanism that creates a pressure gradient that counters the prop's rotation.
at the end of the day, the only way to create a bigger wake is to create more hull displacement which is governed by archimeds principle. the two variables that we have control over are wetted surface and negative force on the negative x axis (in terms of ballast and hull weight or drag hardware). fluid dynamics is always going to move the hull to the path of least resistance when underway, which is on top of the water. i suspect that every boat builder has sophisticated software that allows them to model a hull concept. they then build a replica to scale and actually tank test it to test the real world application. if you are looking for something revolutionary in a wake hull from anyone, i wouldnt hold my breath. they may be able to change the shape of the wake, but making it bigger is going require more weight. to that end, hull design, in my opinion, is at its pinnacle or (A game to use your term) from all of the boat builders.