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I am in the process of helping my friend find a new nautique. I sold his last one for him. He has a budget of $40K. He mainly wakeboards and surfs. What is the best bang for the buck?
SAN or a SV211.
If he is not concerened about the slalom wake then I would probably steer him towards the SAN. Depending on his wakeboard skill level the 211 could have plenty of wake for him and some people prefer the 211 as the wake is less steep. I have seen pictures of good sufring waves on 211s and I know you can get a good one out of a SAN so it will probably just come down to finding the right weight combination for each boat. The interior layout of the 211 and SANs are quite different so if he is not a hardcore wakeboarder then it may come down to which interior will work better for him.
2012 Blue Metal Flake SAN 230
1999 Black and Tan Python 502 Powered Super Sport (for Sale)
I was in the same dilemma as you, what to buy. I ended up buying an 08 SV211 a couple of years ago as I have a young family who were just beginner skiers and had only wakeboarded a couple of times so the 211 being a good cross-over boat appealed to me. The 211 has the walkthrough which I love because its much easier for small kids with boards to walk to the back of the boat as opposed to walking on the sun deck. Overall I have been extremely happy with the 211 BUT.....
I should have bought the 210 instead and this is why. While my family's interests at the time I bought the boat was both skiing and wakeboarding, this changed rapidly once we had the boat. A few weeks after getting the boat, we had to buy new wakeboards...then a wakesurfer cuz we had to do that...then a wakeskate, etc.... You can do so much with these boats that it changes what your family is interested in. I have had the boat just over 2 years and have put close to 175 hours on it and have only used it for skiing less than 10 times. 98% of the time it is being used for non-skiing activities. Now the 211 does everything I need it to, we can board, surf, ski or anything else and since my family is still young, they don't need a mackin' wake to do that now but my oldest is 12 and getting pretty good at wakeboarding so I see a 210 in my future to keep up with him.
So bottom line, I am really happy with my 211 but if I could do it over again, I would have bought a 210 or other SAN instead. If a wakeboat is a new purchase for you, you will likely do more with it than just ski and wakeboard so you need to keep that in mind.