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I need help setting up a 03' SANTE 210 for wake surfing...
I need help setting up a 03' SANTE 210 for wake surfing...
As the title say's. I have a '03 210 SANTE. I want to leave the stock ballast but I'm willing to add whatever I need to. I ride on the port side. Any thoughts or suggestions would be great.
I put a 400pounds fat sac on top of the hard tank in the compartment the side you surf.
Then I got either a 400 or 750 sac on the seats in the rear corner depending how many people are on the boat.
I have a long 600 sac I put accross the bow parallel to the windshield.
I don't have the belly ballast on my boat so there is another 400 or 600 in there (don't remember) that I can't fully fill.
I also fill up the hard tank on the side that is being used.
As the title say's. I have a '03 210 SANTE. I want to leave the stock ballast but I'm willing to add whatever I need to. I ride on the port side. Any thoughts or suggestions would be great.
Thanks Nate.
I has an '03 SANTE and found this to be a good setup:
Stock Ballast: Full (all 3 tanks)
Fly High integrated Bow Sac full
Fly High Wedge Sac in rear locker (port)
Fly High V-drive sac (400lbs) on port side on top of seats
Lead (~150lbs) under observer seat
A couple people sitting on the port side
1464 prop