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Which model? Do they have maintence records? Which colors? How is the overall shape?
The model is a Team Edition. Waiting on maintenance records. Overall shape seems to be ok with some minor vinyl tears and a scratch in the gel coat. The from bottom to top colors are Blue hull, white, with grey top strip and top deck is white. Interior is blue and white.
wrt hours, from what I've read at ccfan, the transmission is the weak link in the driveline. IIRC, 1500-2000 hrs if well maintained is fairly typical. I'm sure there are many who have experienced longer lifespans. For the motor, 2500-3000 hrs shouldn't be difficult if well maintained.
The weakest link is the interior--it will probably start to fall apart well before the driveline. That's always been my experience on older/high hour boats.
Previous boats:
2015 G23
2008 SAN 210
2002 XStar
1995 Sport Nautique