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- search on "859-396-0518". found "Call Brandon at Central KY Inboards 859-396-0518"
- all the images have f:\buxton\... in their file name, so this is or was a buxton marine boat
Titled out of Texas to a Mr.Parker, but the tags expired in Texas 4/12 so it might have been sold. You can pull his address off the Texas Parks website by the TX numbers.
Phill and his people at Buxton are the reason I own a Nautique. After be jerked arround by other dealers that made me feel I was at a downtown car lot and trying to rip me off, I found Buxton Marine. They really care about their customers. My purchase was simple and they found me a better rate than the other dealers did. I now know that they other dealers were trying to make more money off of me by bumping my intrest rate. The day I was picking up my boat another family was headed out of town for vacation and had something happen to a trailer axle. While I was closing my deal Phill and his crew pulled a brand new trailer out from under a new boat put this familys boat on it and they were off to enjoy themselves while Buxton had the trailer repaired. Also my boat had an issue with a oil pressure switch a week after I bought it. I called Phill and he offered to come and pick up the boat to fix the issue. Not to mention when you call over for parts Morgan knows these boats and is always willing to help. Anyway you cant go wrong with them. Your going to get a deal and the service will be worth it.