ok first off hello! i previously have owned a 94 malibu f3 sunsetter, then went to a 97 mastercraft 205dd. I have decieded on owning a nautique for my next boat and just sold the mastercraft last month and have been shopping. Looking at staying around 30k for the next boat and am sure i want a V drive boat as both previous boats have been Direct drive and the family is ready for the change. Not a one of us is a skier, we do wakeboard quite a bit and as i get older i think surfing would be fun to learn.
that being said, a 210 doesnt look like a big gain but i have never been able to crawl all over one of these boats, can some people help me out with recomendations, or pointers pictures of some of the cool features that nautique's offer. I did notice that the two boats i have intrest in (only seen via pics so far) do not have flip up bolster seats. Do the nautique seats sit up higher? i also noticed the dashes seem taller than the mc/malibu.
how easy is it to access the drive train, and do reqular maintance. one thing i loved about direct drives is you pulled the cover and could 360 the motor and tranny no issues. ( on that note do nautiques offer a large variation of trannys?).
thanks for your help - i know newbie threads can be relentless but i have been prodding around the form for couple weeks now. still just not sure i have settled into the exact boat i want but i do love the second gen towers and how they split in the middle.
that being said, a 210 doesnt look like a big gain but i have never been able to crawl all over one of these boats, can some people help me out with recomendations, or pointers pictures of some of the cool features that nautique's offer. I did notice that the two boats i have intrest in (only seen via pics so far) do not have flip up bolster seats. Do the nautique seats sit up higher? i also noticed the dashes seem taller than the mc/malibu.
how easy is it to access the drive train, and do reqular maintance. one thing i loved about direct drives is you pulled the cover and could 360 the motor and tranny no issues. ( on that note do nautiques offer a large variation of trannys?).
thanks for your help - i know newbie threads can be relentless but i have been prodding around the form for couple weeks now. still just not sure i have settled into the exact boat i want but i do love the second gen towers and how they split in the middle.